Thursday, December 12, 2013

People's Picks!

Student of the Week:

This week's student of the week goes out to Candace Purcell. Candace is a grade 12 student that was chosen by Mrs. C Underhill for her hard work as the student director for high school drama.

Teacher of the Week:

Teacher of the week this week goes out to Mrs. J Underhill. Mrs. Underhill is an English and History teacher, she was chosen by the high school students.  Mrs. Underhill studied at St. Thomas and at UNB. She said, " I love my job, how I teach at a small school, love the staff and teaching is lots of fun and I get to laugh everyday." During her spare time she likes to spend time with her family, watch her sons play hockey and watch her daughter perform in gymnastics.

Staff of the Week:

This week's staff of the week goes out to Gloria Kelly. Gloria is an Educational Assistant at Blackville School. We asked her what she likes best about her job and she told us, "working with the students." She studied at the Academy of Learning and in her spare time she likes to walk and read.