Thursday, November 21, 2019

People's Picks - November 18th

This week's edition of People's Picks focused on Grade 10 students - more specifically one of the hardest working grade 10 student. Jaiden Betts was chosen as this week's winner by Mr. Carter, his homeroom and Broad Based Technology teacher. Mr. Carter chose Jaiden because Jaiden works hard and always finishes his work in a timely manner. "Jaiden is the furthest ahead in the BBT Units, and he still so far has managed to keep solid marks throughout."

When asked how he felt about the win, Jaiden said, "It feels lovely to be picked... I'm honoured to be chosen out of every student in Grade 10 and thank you Mr. Carter for picking me. I will try to continue to keep up my good work." Congratulations, Jaiden!