Friday, May 31, 2024

High School Student of the Week

Grade 12 student Kaden McNeil is the High School Student of the Week. He was nominated by Mr. Hallihan.

Mr. Hallihan said "Kaden has become an ambassador of our school through his play with the Miramichi Timberwolves. He is always first to give back to his school and community whether it be playing floor hockey or bringing in a championship trophy to get pics with elementary students."

"He is a great student to have in the classroom too, where he is always respectful and has a good sense of humour. It was an exciting year for the Miramichi Timberwolves, and a lot of local fans became part of the #backthepack movement because of Kaden - congrats on the experience."

The other student nominated was Randi Jo Sturgeon. Congratulations to Kaden and Randi Jo.