Friday, December 1, 2017

People's Picks (High School)

Mrs. T. Moody is the high school teacher of the week. She was chosen by Mikayla MacDonald because she works hard with students. Mrs. Moody's favourite colour is navy blue. Her favourite season is fall, and her favourite food is spaghetti.

Colleen Hallihan is the staff member of the week. She was chosen by Emily Peterson because she cut up cucumbers for her one time. Colleen's favourite season is fall, and her favourite colour is pink. Her favourite songs are Christmas songs.
Maddie Underhill is the student of the week. Maddie was chosen by Mr. Norton because she is one of the friendliest kids in the hallways. Her favourite song is Gucci Gang by Lil pump. Her favourite colours are black and yellow, and her favourite seasons are all the seasons.